The U212 NFS (Near Future Submarine) Programme is an innovative Submarine project undertaken by the Italian Navy in the framework of the contract managed by the Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR).
It is with great honor and pleasure that ELAC SONAR GmbH announces that with the release of the option for Boat number 3 the NFS program is continuing its path. ELAC SONAR GmbH's Sphere® based integrated sonar suite Kaleidoscope 2.0 will generate, transmit and process big sonar data from all existing user functions and electroacoustic sensors. Sphere® is a sonar suite that provides a comprehensive range of sonar functions including communication, survey, mine and obstacle avoidance, passive detection and ASW solutions. Our digitally advanced technology for the passive sonar systems significantly improves detection performances and allows multi-functional operator stations to perform various sonar applications on board the submarines. Advanced technology made in Europe.
Bernd Szukay, MD, and Ole Schneider, FD, said: "This contract is another significant win for ELAC Sonar GmbH, and takes us forward the next step on our growth and technological development path".